HL7 Tools

Secure, browser-based tools for healthcare integration professionals.

HL7 Message Analyzer

Use this tool to parse and understand HL7 v2.x messages. It highlights segments, fields, and components, offers a search feature to locate segments, and provides an ASCII view for deeper inspection. Your data is processed locally for maximum privacy.

This tool is free and open source. Contribute or review the code on GitHub .

Legend & Guide
Segment Names: Highlighted in different colors (e.g., MSH, PID, OBR, etc.)
Fields: Plain black text. Hover to highlight.
Components: Blue text Component. Hover to highlight.
Subcomponents: Pink text Subcomponent. Hover to highlight.
Non-printable characters: Shown as [XX] where XX is the hex code.
ASCII View: Shows each line’s raw ASCII codes, including non-printable characters highlighted. Clicking a character in the parsed output highlights it here if ASCII view is open.
Search & Navigation: Use the "Find Segment" button to quickly jump to specific segment types (e.g., MSH, PID).
Additional Resources

For more information on HL7 standards and related materials: