HL7 Tools

Secure, browser-based tools for healthcare integration professionals.

FHIR Response Formatter

This tool helps you understand and debug FHIR data by converting raw JSON input into a human-readable, syntactically highlighted format. While originally designed for FHIR server responses, it can also handle full FHIR bundles or standalone FHIR messages, making it an all-in-one solution for examining and interpreting FHIR resources.

Whether you’re a developer, implementer, or integration specialist, the FHIR Response Formatter streamlines your workflow by presenting structured data that’s easy to navigate and explore.

The tool is free and open source. Contribute or review the code on GitHub .

Usage Examples
Legend & Guide
Keys: "key"
Strings: "value"
Numbers: 123
Booleans: true / false
null: null
Resource Types: "Patient" (and others)
Errors: "error"
Warnings: "warning"
Information: "information"
Additional Resources

For more detailed information and official documentation on FHIR and HL7 standards, explore the following resources: